Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Poor little boy!

Hudson has his first (and hopefully his last) ear infection at 7 weeks old. The Dr. said that it is very uncommon for this young of a baby to have an ear infection. He was given a shot, and put on antibiotics. He is doing much better. It is crazy how hard you dedicate yourself to nursing your baby to keep this from happening. He hasn't even had one sip of formula, and still ends up sick. I guess without nursing he could have been worse. He is such a good baby and never let on that he is in any pain. Poor little boy!!! This was after his bath tonight. He looks and acts a lot better. (sorry the pictures are sideways- I can't figure out how to change them)


Diana said...

Lori, Thank you so much for posting this blog. I am so anxious to meet Hudson. He's so beautiful and the twins are so handsome. See you soon I hope, Aunt Diana

Trinidy said...

I can't wait to hold him tomorrow! He is so cute, I can't stand it!!

Deb said...

Hi Lori ~ I can't believe that Hudson had an ear infection! I love your blog. :-) Now I can watch how fast Hudson and the twins are growing. I hope you are enjoying your summer so far.

I'll stop by again soon.