Saturday, June 21, 2008

2 months old

We went on our first trip to Ill. to see Gigi and GGpa, Grandma Marti, and tons of aunts, uncles, and cousins. While we were there, Hudson turned 2 months old. We had a great visit!

The boys grew Shrek and Donkey chia pets. Shrek is doing good, ,but donkey is having some hair trouble.

Aunt Lori and Addison. I am painting her nails- something I will never get to do with my own children- so I'm glad I have her to do girly stuff with!

More pictures of Huddy bear (as Braydon calls him). He is getting so big!


Trinidy said...

I can't believe he is already 2 months! He is so cute, I can't say that enough! See ya Wednesday!

Miranda said...

Hi Lori! I had so much fun looking at your pictures. Sweet, sweet, boys. Belated congrats on the new baby boy! I bet you have your hands full. I'm going to add you to my list of blogs to check. =)
