Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baby shower at school with Heather W. and Heather B.


Teri Ediger said...

Wow!!! Look at that baby bump! I think Hudson might be ready to come out soon. :-)

I love your blog. When did you find time to do this? It's awesome.

The nursery is going to be so cute. I can't wait to come and help this weekend.

Give the boys hugs from us.

Aunt Teri, Uncle Josh, Collin and Addison

Trinidy said...

The 3 of you look so cute!

& I love the bunk bed! How exciting for the boys!

nanat said...

WOW!!! first time on here. Love the baseball clips. Hudson is getting big. Cute.

Do remind them that their Nana and Papa Max love them too.